So today I am coming home and in the car I here on the radio that 23 in the last 24 hours have been killed in Gaza. Dam that's a lot, I have one question, WHERE ARE YOU WORLD???? Why don't I hear any one say some thing some one out there. Look what is happening! For what you may ask, it all because one soldier was captured. Well one that may be alive(may have been killed because what just happened) for 23 lives and counting. I think that they are just doing this because they know they are weak and can do much. But what good may come out of this?? Only more death I think its time to just say stop!! This is going to far, why do the world not get in to this and says stop. Or is the whole world scared of this small country ISRAEL. I don't believe that any thing will happen but to show us your support. If not, well you will know why there are some many people here that does not like the governments of the world! I know one thing this whole thing makes me stand tall and say "I AM A PALESTINIAN AND I WILL NOT FALL TO THE PRESSURE I LOVE MY LAND." we are all here for all those people that die, you did nothing but live in your land that you love the land of Palestine.
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